Saturday, 3 December 2016

kantabania high school

Education is the systematic process of improving learning, knowledge, skill and understanding about anything at school, college, university or other educational institutes which gives us an enlightening experience.
Getting proper education is the birth rights of everyone restricting which is the crime. Education is the ultimate way to get victory over all the personal and social problems.

 Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Kantabania School Functions

 Particulars of Organization, Functions & Duties
[Section-4 (1) (b) (i)]

1. Name of the School
Kantabania High School, Kantabania

2. Name of the Block:


3. Name of G.P:

4. Status of School:


5. Date of establishment:


6. Date of permission with letter No:
No- 4248 dt. 17.06.60 of the Inspector of School, Central Circle, Cuttack.

7. Date of Recognition with G.O.  NO:

4294/ III-A-Recog.38/1957 dt. 04.09.61

8. Date of Receipt of G I A:


9. Date of Govt. Taken over:


10. Objective:

To disseminate knowledge to the Students in different fields
11. Working Hours:

Opening hour: 10.00 A.M.
Closing hour: 4.00 P.M.

Kantabania School Deatails

Office of the Kantabania High School, Kantabania, is located at Kantabania under Asanpur revenue village, Jajpur, Odisha.
Adress of The Office:

At- Kantabania,
PO- Chhatrapada,
Via- Pritipur,
Dist- Jajpur,
Pin- 755013

This Office comes under the Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha.

The main function of this institution is to disseminate knowledge to the Students in different fields of the locality.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


School Name
PO - Chhatrapada, VIA- Pritipur, DIST- Jajpur, PIN- 755013


Kantabania High School is one of the good institutes of Orissa.
It is situated in Jajpur city of Orissa.
Its exact address is Kantabania High School, PO - Chhatrapada, VIA- Pritipur, DIST- Jajpur, PIN- 755013, Jajpur, Orissa.
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For More Visit
kantabania high school

Kantabania school,kantabania high school,
kantabania school chhatrapada,kantabania high school jajpur,
kantabania high school odisha,kb high school